For SuperMoms and SuperWives who do it all – including make time

Tag Archives: SuperWife

Blogs are the enemy; literature graffiti, so I’ve heard.

At least that’s what I used to think, as blogs are just one of the many afflictions that traditional print journalism is attempting, and quite possibly failing, to grapple with. As a classically trained print journalist, I first saw blogs as my nemeses and competition. And, in some ways, they still are. For me, joining the blogosphere seemed like joining the dark side.

But times have changed; the use and purposes of blogs have grown exponentially in recent years. And there’s no sense in fighting the future. At least not this battle.

After coming to the realize some of the benefits of blogs, I’ve still managed to keep away from the blogosphere for one simple reason – what could I possibly have to write about that someone else would actually want to consume and digest?

I’ve become pretty apathetic about an overwhelming amount of topics in recent years (thanks, in part, to years of deep conversations with my husband – opposites really do attract). Finding something that I’m not only passionate about but I also actually think is worthy to share with others and that they might actually find the information useful/entertaining has been difficult. I don’t want to just spout off and vent about random nonsense – there is more than enough of that in our crazy, mixed up world these days.

So, I go back to one of the basics I learned years ago – write about what you know. Unfortunately, I just so happen to know A LOT. (No, I’m not that egotistical. I am that sarcastic, though.)

And what I know, what I love and what seems to be actually becoming a trend is being a SuperMom/Wife – you know, that woman that embraces “weird” parenting styles, researches nearly every product before buying it (and then shops around to find the best price, even if it’s just a few pennies cheaper), finds quirky ways to save money to not only help the budget but also the environment, and may be borderline paranoid when it comes to much of the conventional, mainstream offerings.

If my friends or family think something is weird, they know chances are that I’ll love it. That’s just me. I wouldn’t say I’m off my rocker, but those that know me best know that my rocker may be a little off center, simply because it’s made from recycled wood that may not perfectly fit together. It still works all the same, though.

If you haven’t deciphered me yet, let me break it down for you in laymen, pop culture terms – here’s a sampling of what I’ve “liked” on my Facebook page:

Music: Simon and Garfunkel, John Lennon, Ani DiFranco, O.A.R., In Flames, All That Remains, A Perfect Circle, Puscifer, Deftones, Aphex Twin, Sublime

Books: A Million Little Pieces, The Omnivore’s Dilemma, (not actually on Facebook, but still some of my faves) The Vaccine Book, Walden, Civil Disobedience, Self-Reliance, Nature

Pages: Farmers Market of the Ozarks, Mommynomics, I Love Being A Mom,, Ask Dr. Sears, Homesteading, Non-GMO Project, Food Renegade, Fake AP Stylebook, Overheard in the Newsroom, Bully Breed Rescue, StubbyDog Project

So, here it is – I finally entered the blogosphere.

Stay tuned, especially if you like sarcastic, sometimes brutally honest, dry humor from an old-soul-stuck-in-the-21st-century pregnant mom/household CEO that’s pursuing a graduate degree in rhetoric and composition while trying to stay sane. Winded after that sentence? Yeah, me too. All the time.

(Fair warning, topics may stray from what I’ve vaguely described here time-to-time, depending on what tickles my fancy. Variety is the spice of life, right?)

My next inkling of wisdom to share will (most likely) be about baby registries. Interesting, right? Just wait. I can make anything awesome.